Buyer Advice • Seller Advice • August 8, 2023

When do I get my final numbers?

Yay! You made it to closing week!

The document you are ready to read is called a Closing Disclosure. This is a breakdown of fees and shows you final numbers.

For a buyer, this shows you what your monthly mortgage payment will be and how much cash you need to bring to the closing table. It also has a breakdown of fees.

For a seller, this is a list of your fees and your final walk away amount!

This document is created by the title company and is available for review before you get to the closing table. Always feel free to ask for help reading through it, and make sure you know what you are paying for.

My goal is for you to know a very close estimate of these numbers WAY before closing week!


Sellers, I go over these expected fees on my Estimated Ned Proceeds Sheet when we review and sign your Listing Agreement.

Buyers, I like to talk you through your fees and expected monthly mortgage before we place an offer. You should also have a lender talking you through these numbers and making sure you are comfortable. The more you know, the more educated decisions you can make!

After closing, you will want to hold on to this final document for tax purposes! 🙂


Heather Chambliss, Realtor

Serving Shelby County, Texas and surrounding Counties including Sabine County, Nacogdoches County, and San Augustine County, Texas.

CENTURY 21 Cota Realty
