Seller Advice

Seller Advice Texas Heirships – How does Inheritance get divided? Heirships – Wills – Probate …. Oh My!! I know it can be overwhelming. As a Texas Realtor, I have so much compassion for those who are sorting through after losing a loved one. I have had the honor of helping a couple dozen families through some really hard, confusing things. Here’s my best advice: […]
Buyer Advice When do I get my final numbers? Yay! You made it to closing week! The document you are ready to read is called a Closing Disclosure. This is a breakdown of fees and shows you final numbers. For a buyer, this shows you what your monthly mortgage payment will be and how much cash you need to bring to the closing table. […]
Seller Advice How do I probate a Will? Usually, people have this question during a very hard time of their life. They have usually lost someone and has a Will that they need to put into effect. This process is called Probate. Probate is the only way to be for absolutely certain that the Will is executed as it should and all debts […]
Buyer Advice Why do we need a Title Company? In a Real Estate transaction, the title company works as a neutral. They neither represent the seller or the buyer. Their job is to take the executed contract (has all signatures) and use as a guideline to prepare the new deed. They make sure that everything agreed upon in that contract comes to life by […]
Seller Advice Why does a spouse have to sign if they are not on the current property deed? I get this question a lot! Here are a couple example scenarios: Wife inherits a property from an Aunt’s Estate. It is willed to her directly. Wife now wants to sell it. Why does her husband have to sign the closing documents? He was not willed the property. In this scenario, the title insurance will […]
Seller Advice Do you need to increase your home insurance? Over the last couple of years, property values have increased almost 20%. When you consider that in what we call a “normal” market, you will see a natural increase of 4-5% property value increase each year, this 20% increase is a HUGE impact to both buyers and sellers. This means that in a year’s time, […]
Seller Advice How is a listing price chosen? Curious how I help a seller land on a listing? Here’s a quick explanation! I visit with the seller over the phone and ask basic questions about their property. I do light research seeing what ball field we will be playing in. I do not choose specific comparables at this point, just confirm the facts and […]
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